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Knowing ≠ truth ≠ belief

1How do you know what is true or better yet what is knowable. When you read the news or a label how can you believe its true. I used 2 words true and belief, do they have to exist to know?   You can know things without them being true or believing in them. The underlying fabric of the nature of reality is unknown even though theoretical astrophysicist will tell you everything is known up to gravity waves and the beginning of the universe. A=2πr will inform one of the uncertainties of reality.  π is an irrational number that defines a rational geometry, or the area of a circle a fixed and known quantity. In the realm of Quantum mechanics Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle informs how things are measured, especially photons which leads to probability being the closest we can get to the truth. The probability of truth is not classical truth as a Newtonian time space where 2=2 and 5 lbs. is 5 lbs it is more   . There are 2 physical phenomena that explain the mystery of how we don’t know the totality of nature. Bells theorem and the speed of light. I was talking to a physicist friend of mine and I asked him did he know that the speed of light is not constant. He vigorously disagreed and we eventually settled on the notion that the measuring of the speed of light is not constant, that is a distinction that is mathematically very important and gives formulas theorems a sense of certainty, so E=mc² is knowable but there is no certain truth to it.There are already theories and experiments that neutrinos move faster than the speed of light.  As an aside I have always wondered is every number an approximation, is ever 3 just a little different or are all 3s =.  There exist 2 worlds the Newtonian and the Quantum one is knowable as certainty and the other is knowable by stochastic (probability). 1=.999… The Buddhist have always known this, the sense of nonduality, on off, right wrong, true untrue both exist at the same time from points of views. Non locality  This is the failing of ‘western civilization’ (which I don’t believe exists, I will cover that later) the recognition that both exist at the same time. and is derived from think a point of view is reality and not just a part of reality. The truth is asymptotic you approach it but you never quite reach it. This approximation is sufficient to navigate the world. In the quantum realm knowing is informed by the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle which can be represented by △x×△vx≥h/4πm. ΔpΔx≥ h/4π. Informs us that as you measure the momentum it is impossible to know the position and vise versa.  Observation Intuition.  Observer effect the predictive brain and neurology question the notion of objectivity and points to the notion that we all have points of views that are relevant to the truth but aren’t the truth. I am not sure if this is a post modern construct or point of view but it contradicts the traditional notions the people like Jordan Peterson and Charles Murray are peddling as traditional morality or science. These traditional notions are more like religion than  science.  Charles Murray equates science with truth as does Neil deGrasse Tyson.  Jordan Peterson quotes the classics as though nothing has changed in science and moral consciousness, he equates post modernism to Marxism which is his form of virtue signaling and bias, he reaches back into the classics to bolster his point of view which is a mishmash of common sense and culturally based nonsense. It is obvious why he is getting a cult status as are all the supposed intellectual dark web crew.  This time we live in, institutions are losing credibility because the strong belief has allowed them to veer off their course and mission because of lack of accountability and critical thought. The catholic church, the supreme court, the president, the congress, the police, universities, corporations, banks,  The other group the four horsemen of the apocalypse a perfectly branded and marketed crew substituted marketing, persuasion, and influence for knowledge.             The newest effort at exploring and confronting the problem of  knowing≠truth≠belief  is Jonathan Haidt’s heterodoxy university  and moral foundations theory Care/Harm, Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, Authority/Subversion, and Sanctity/Degradation as filters of reality. which proposes the possibility that there are multiple points of view that present valid perspectives.

Foundation of Reality

Do we know reality? Is there a truth to reality ? Is it measurable? If these 3 questions are answered do we believe it?    The physics of thought and perception. Our brain as an intuitive process is predictive   The tribal biases that we create to survive and flourish in a social/economic system.  Can we trust our perceptions 100%? Does past performance reliable predict future performance. 

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